In the beginning, there was a garden. And then there were animals. And then there were two humans.
The humans were the same. They looked around at all the plants and animals. They were all so different from each other. So the humans made more humans out of the same soil they came from. They made humans of different shapes and sizes. Humans of different colours. And those humans made more humans. Always different. Soon the garden was full of humans. They were all different but they came from the same soil, they had the same needs, and they loved each other and their garden.
The humans lived well for some time until the stranger found their garden. The stranger did not look like them but they welcomed him. The stranger treated the humans differently depending on what they looked like. The humans didn’t understand how someone could be mean to some people and nice to others before they’d even met them. But the humans treated better by the stranger began to believe what the stranger believed; they were better than the other humans.
Then other humans began to separate into groups as well, believing they were better than some of the other humans for some reason or another. This continued until the garden was full of separated groups of humans, all claiming some characteristic they shared made them better than everyone else. Though some humans didn’t agree, they found themselves divided into groups anyway.
The groups of humans started leaving the garden, in search of new places to stay separated. When everyone had left, only the stranger remained in the garden. The stranger made the garden his home and stayed there to watch the world grow, divided. He watched the separated groups fight each other over who was better and who should occupy the most land. The stranger delighted in the animosity of the world.
The humans forgot they were once all together. They forgot how they were all the same and saw only how they were different. The stranger won.
I started to write an Eve-inspired story but ended up with a story of the devil inventing racism?
I’m working on my Cinderella film video essay. So far it’s centered around Ever After, getting into the much-praised “feminist” take on the tale. Since every other Cinderella movie I watched was trash, there’s not much else to talk about until 2021’s Cinderella which tries too hard to be “woke”.
Continuing to put content on TikTok and Instagram, most recently something about my latest obsession, Madame d’Aulnoy.
I’ve been writing short stories inspired by fairy tales for my first book which will be self-published later this year! Writing fiction is so much fun- I only regret not doing this my whole life. Too focused on my film career dreams I guess. I also have ideas for three more short story collections; inspired by the major arcana of the tarot (and fairy tales), inspired by Yuletide and winter folklore, and inspired by the life and fairy tales of Madame d’Aulnoy. Who needs a book deal- I just want to write!