March was quite a month, folks.
Actually, it started in late February when, after four years of always wearing a mask in public spaces, COVID finally found me. 😷 I’ll spare you the gross, painful details and just say that it was the worst physical illness/experience of my precious little life. Then, without time to fully recover with rest, I had to jump back into work because we were one week away from a film festival. The festival burnt me out to the point that by the end of week one, I was almost dissociating, and in week two, my COVID symptoms returned thanks to a lack of sleep and an increase in stress. 🫠
They say it’s Aries season. They say it’s eclipse season. Something’s in retrograde. Maybe she’s born with it (autism). Maybe it’s a toxic workaholic culture that makes me feel like I have no choice but to push myself to the point of illness. 💅
April 1, no joke, is the last quarter of March’s worm moon. And the top Google search result tells me that the last quarter “symbolizes a time of reflection, reassessment, and forgiveness. It's a period to release remaining burdens and prepare for a new beginning.”
So, I guess it’s a great day to begin a five-week leave from my day job! ✌🏻 I planned on this (unpaid) break long before this festival crushed my soul and ravaged my body because I think I’ve been in (autistic?) burnout for a few years, and this bitch needs a break.
So, for the next month, I am going to pretend to be a full-time author! I am still not finished writing Ebony, Blood, and Snow, but I am close. Without a day job, I will have more time and energy to give to writing and the process of self-publishing. I do have specific goals/timelines, but all I will share with you here is that I expect the book to be available for pre-orders in May!
In November, I announced my book to you and gave you a peek at the names of the 13 stories. In the spirit of teasing out the antici… pation, here’s your next ‘clue’ to what the stories are about… Emojis!
🩸 Ebony
🪓 Red
🎩 Ash
🐐 Roan
👑 Plum
🦢 Lily
⚱️ Indigo
🦴 Bone
🗡️ Lapis
🏰 Thistle
🐈⬛ Night
🌲 Pine
🪿 Amethyst
I’ll also be getting back into content creation (gotta build that brand and promote my book!), so follow to my Instagram and/or TikTok if you like those. Otherwise, I will keep you updated on book progress here!
Until another moon,
P.S. If my collection of short stories inspired by fairy tales sounds like exactly the kind of book you would love to read- you might be a great beta reader for me! Email me if you'd like to read my book in April and give feedback on each story.