The most fearsome pirate on the seven seas is known as Mad Magda. But what most people don’t know is that she wasn’t always a fearsome pirate. She used to sail the seas happily with her brother Mika. The pair were explorers and adventurers, discovering new lands, making friends, and learning about the world. They kept their crew happy and fed by taking jobs like taking the nobility on voyages to new lands or carrying supplies over treacherous waters that no other captains could navigate. They were respected and beloved wherever they went because they were kind to all peoples, intelligent and brave sailors, and fair equal captains to their crew.
One foggy night as the siblings’ ship sailed swiftly over calm waters, a pirate ship appeared out of nowhere. A battle ensued and in the chaos, Mika was taken aboard the pirate ship before they retreated. Magda ordered her crew to follow the pirate ship, but they couldn’t catch up with it. She abandoned all other plans and forced her crew to search for her brother. Days became weeks became months and still, they could not find the pirates that had taken her brother.
No one knows what happened to Mika, but we all know Magda has not given up looking for him and the pirates that took him, and she is no longer the kind, peaceful captain she once was, as she destroys anyone and anything that gets in her way.
Not enough sibling tales, I think. Everyone’s always chasing after romantic love, but that’s not everyone’s strongest love. (Not speaking from personal experience- I would gladly let pirates carry off my brother never to be seen again.)
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