Once upon a time and place, a boy was in possession of a key. I don’t rightly know how he got it- by gift or by theft, perhaps. (I wouldn’t put it past him.) He told the girl he loved that the key was not only the key to a lock but the key to their happiness. He asked the girl what she wished for most. He answered for her- peace, happiness, pleasure, love, freedom. This key would give them all of that. Well, that all sounded well and good to the girl, so she went with the boy on his journey.
It was a long journey. The boy held the key and never let it leave his hand or his sight. While the boy focused on his key, the girl looked across still lakes to misty mountains. She listened to the calls of the birds and beasts in the woods. She smelled the wildflowers. She tasted fresh honey. She breathed in the cool morning air. She sang songs. She did not mind that she did not know where they were going or when they would get there.
Well, they finally reached the place for the key. The boy, who had had a miserable journey, was ready for his promise of all the best in life. It was just behind this lock. He put the key in, he turned it, and he turned it. And he kept turning it round and round. Nothing happened. The boy fell into despair. He became inconsolable and couldn’t move. The girl tried to cheer him up, to point out that the world around them was already full of all those things he longed for, but he wouldn’t listen. So she left him there to pout. He sat there so long that moss grew over him (and moss does not grow fast) and he’s still there to this day, key in hand.
The girl decided to continue her journey. She’s still wandering around the world, looking at lakes, rivers, and oceans; smelling fields of lavender and orchards of oranges; running her fingers over wild grass, over precious silks, over loved ones’ skin. She is still on her journey without a destination and she has peace, happiness, pleasure, love, and freedom in every step.
Inspired by my friend Melanie’s song The Key (not yet released). She has a Soundcloud now with beautiful demos!
Next week: As Told By Wolves: Little Red Riding Hood Films will be released on my YouTube channel! If you haven’t watched my first video essay on Snow White films, click here. And if you’re into social media, follow Tales with Tish on Instagram and/or TikTok for that #content that I put too much effort into. 😅